Sima Puuhamaa S II

This region is: DOWN as of Mar-06 08:57 (PST) on grid.

To acquire any of the items listed on this page, click on the Hop link button (or copy, or appropriate link for your client and grid) to teleport to the location of the item. Once there, you will be able to purchase the item for the price set by the seller. In cases where there is a landing point defined, you may find the first TP brings you to the region, usually if you click the teleport button again on the same dialog, this should bring you within a meter or two of the item. Do not be distressed if you are on the other-side of a wall from the item. You might even teleport inside the item, or underwater if the item is near or under the waterline. You should be able to use camera controls to locate the item near you. Occassionally you may teleport on top of the roof of the building where the item is at.

HGHopCopyMore… 13919 Park Bench with_Pigeon_V1_l2 (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Argentinian Malbec (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Bridge (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… bruce tree (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… castle ruin Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Cottage modet3 (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Dock wide pier 2 prims (Pirate Town) (Sculpt) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… evil tree (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Fairy animesh Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… _Fanatik Architecture_ BEACH ROCKS Cliff 2B (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… _Fanatik Architecture_ CLIFF COVER Island A 1024 (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Firelogs 2 (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… firewood bundle (Sculpt) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Great Wave Splash Box Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… jameson (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Juliette Teapot (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Maple Trees, row of 10 (Sculpt) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… mattress Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Mature_Oak_TreeThe Diamond Gallery (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… metal bed (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Object Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… old rotten Kitchen Counter (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… pala meripihkaa (Sculpt) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Pigeon_V1_l2 Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… prim0-mesh (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… round_tower (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Snowdrops in Cloche (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… SpeakingStonesOne (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Stone_Wall (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Storybook Woven Table Runner (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Summertime Radio-blue (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Tall Field Grass Dappled (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Tea Cups, Stacked (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… tree_oak (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Undergrowth - mesh (Mesh) Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Vb Rope Bridge 60mnormal prims Take Copy
HGHopCopyMore… Working Farmhouse Table (Mesh) Take Copy
Cataloged 37 items on 2025-Jan-04 between 08:41 and 08:42
For statistics related to this region click here